Gurbani Grammar & Commentary Polemics In [[Garab Ganjini Tika]] (1829), the Poet Santokh Singh attacks the Udasi Anandghan for misinterpreting a line - misunderstanding the grammar of singular vs plural for ਆਖਹਿ ਮੰਗਹਿ, where the ਹਿ indicates 3rd person plural. "Where has his knowledge remained? He doesn't even have the intelligence to know the difference between singular versus plural" At another point Santokh Singh states, "In the manner I have heard the essence of these meanings from Gurmukhs, I am relaying that to you". Santokh Singh studied under the famous Giani Sant Singh from Amritsar, head of a lineage (Giania Bunga) that goes back to Shahid Bhai Mani Singh. ![[grammar.jpeg]]